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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


National Bargaining Council for the Hairdressing, Cosmetology, Beauty and Skincare Industry

Extension to Non-parties of the Consolidated Collective Agreement in terms of Sec 32(2) of the LRA


Area D

38. Medical Aid Scheme and Medical Insurance Plan


38.1 The Council having resolved that Employers and Employees in the Hairdressing Trade may participate in a registered Medical Aid Scheme and Medical Insurance Plan authorise for the purpose of implementing the objectives set out in the rules thereof, the collection of contributions:—
38.1.1 may choose the Medical Aid Scheme referred to in this clause 38 as an alternative to the membership of the Hairdressing Trade Sick Benefit Fund referred to in clause 36.


38.2 An Employee who is a member of the Hairdressing Trade Sick Benefit Fund referred to in clause 36 may also participate in the Medical Insurance Plan and the Employer must pay the specified Employer contributions for both the Hairdressing Trade Sick Benefit Fund and Medical Insurance Plan.


R663 Pg 163 signatures