Acts Online
GT Shield

Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


National Bargaining Council for the Clothing Manufacturing Industry

Main Collective Agreement

Part I : Provisions for the Non-Metro Areas

46. Closed Shop


No employer shall continue to employ an employee:


(1) Who, while being eligible for membership of the union, is not a member of the trade union as at the date of coming into operation of this part of the agreement, or


(2) Who does not become a member of the trade union within a period of 90 days from such date


(3) The provisions of this clause shall apply to persons who are eligible for union membership in terms of the constitution of the trade union


(4) For this section of the agreement, no union membership fees accruing from the close shop provision may be:
(a) Paid to a political party as an affiliation fee;
(b) Contributed in cash or kind to a political party or a person standing for election to any political office or
(c) Used for any expenditure which does not advance or protect the socio-economic interests of employees.


(5) The provisions of section 26(3)(c) and 26(4) of the Labour Relations Act shall be observed by the parties to the Council and to whom this clause is applicable.