Acts Online
GT Shield

Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


Bargaining Council for the Fishing Industry

Extension to Non-parties of the Main Collective Agreement

Section ll : Core Rights

Part J : General

35A. Organisational Rights


35A.1 Any registered trade union that are a party to this Council shall automatically enjoy the rights contemplated in subclauses 35A.2 and 35A.3 below in respect of all Place of Work within the registered scope of the Council regardless of their representativeness in any particular Place of Work.


35A.2 Any registered trade union shall have the right to access to a Place of Work within the registered scope of the Council, as set out in section 12 of the Act.


35A.3 Any registered trade union shall be entitled to have trade union subscription or levies deducted from any Employee authorising same who is employed within a Place of Work within the registered scope of the Council, as set out in section 13 of the Act.


35A.4 The parties endorse the principle of a registered trade union exercising the organisational rights in terms of section 21 of the Act when read with section 14 to 16 of the Act, when dealing with organisational rights such as trade union representatives, leave for trade union activities and disclosure of information.