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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)

Chapter VII : Dispute Resolution

Part E : Labour Court

171. Officers of Labour Appeal Court


(1) The registrar of the Labour Court is also the registrar of the Labour Appeal Court.


(2) Each of the deputy registrars and other officers of the Labour Court also holds the corresponding office in relation to the Labour Appeal Court.


(a) The officers of the Labour Appeal Court, under the supervision and control of the registrar of that Court must perform the administrative functions of the Labour Appeal Court.
(b) A deputy registrar of the Labour Appeal Court may perform any of the functions of the registrar of that Court that have been delegated generally or specifically to the deputy registrar.


(4) The deputy registrar of the Labour Appeal Court or, if there is more than one, the most senior will act as registrar of the Labour Appeal Court whenever—
(a) the registrar is absent from the Republic or from duty, or for any reason is temporarily unable to perform the functions of registrar; or
(b) the office of registrar is vacant.