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GT Shield

Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


Bargaining Council for the Metal and Engineering Industries

Extension of the Consolidated Main Collective Agreement to Non-parties (for the period 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2024)

Part 2

4. Technical Schedules

Schedule D

Division D/24

Tungsten Carbide Tool Manufacture Division

Wage Rates Applicable to Operations Scheduled in Division D/24 are Prescribed in Clause 3(a) of Part II of this agreement


The following operations, viz:



1. General supervisory work, including setting up of production machines (at least one supervisor must be employed in each establishment and be in charge of operations on each shift).
2. Machine tool grinding (excluding universal grinding):

First six months" experience

Rate C

Second six months" experience

Rate B


Rate AA

3. Milling of tungsten carbide tools (excluding universal milling).
4. Operating centre lathe for tungsten carbide tools.



1. Hand torch brazing:

First three months" experience

Refer to table of wage rates


Rate D



1. Machining of shanks for seating, viz:

Repetition operation of or attending machines designed for or permanently adapted for a single tool operation where it is not necessary to centralise or true the work by hand and where the manual operations are limited to loading the work piece into the chuck or holding device of the machine, starting, operating and/or attending, stopping and unloading the machine (excluding setting up).



1. Repetition grinding on automatic cycle machines under the instruction of a Rate A to C employee.



1. Bending of pre-heated shanks by machine to jigs.
2. Machining of shanks for seating on a special purpose machine, where the manual operations are limited to loading the work piece into the chuck or holding device of the machine and unloading.
3. Machining clearance angles on tools by special purpose machines to pre-set angles (excluding setting up).
4. Off-hand buffing and/or polishing.
5. Operating manual machines designed for or permanently adapted for one only operation, where it is not necessary to centralise or true the work by hand.
6. Rough forming by grinding of brazed tools.
7. Seating of tips by induction heating.



1. Cutting to stops and/or length gauges in power and/or friction saws (excluding setting up).
2. Operating hand portable and/or pedestal grinding machine, where the operator is not required to grind to marks, templets, gauges or sizes.
3. Sand and/or shot blasting.
4. Stencilling and/or marking and/or colour marking and/or labelling.