Acts Online
GT Shield

Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


Bargaining Council for the Metal and Engineering Industries

Extension of the Consolidated Main Collective Agreement to Non-parties (for the period 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2024)

Part 2

4. Technical Schedules

Schedule D

Division D/27

Locomotive Manufacturing Division

Wage Rates Applicable to Operations Scheduled in Division D/27 are Prescribed in Clause 3(a) of Part II of this agreement

Section (d): Woodworking and related activities



1. Carpentry (n.e.s.).
2. Positioning, identification and fixing of timber furrings.



1. Carpentry and/or woodworking in connection with assembly and/or finishing under supervision of a Rate A employee.  Employees may only be employed on the operations set out at Rate C of this Schedule provided that the ratio of employees in the establishment is not less than one carpenter and/or wood machinist at Rate A to one employee employed on carpentry and/or wood-machining operations under Rate C.



1. Floor sanding.
2. Repetition drilling of mouldings to jigs and/or templets and/or stops and/or length gauges and/or marks on pedestal drill.
3. Repetition sawing of mouldings to stops and/or templets and/or length gauges and/or marks.



1. Cutting lino to templets.
2. Placing of pre-cut glass into apertures under supervision of Rate A to B employee.
3. Sandpapering of wooden parts by hand.