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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


Bargaining Council for the Metal and Engineering Industries

Extension to Non-parties of the Consolidated Provident Fund Collective Amending Agreement


Annexure A: Provident Fund Agreement






(Form to be completed by employer and handed to members of the Engineering Industries Provident Fund on termination of employment)


Member's Rights to Benefits


1. A lump sum benefit on retirement at the age of 65 or later, or on early retirement from the age of 55 up to 65.


2. A permanent disability benefit owing to permanent disability / incapacity in terms of the rules of the Provident Fund and rules of the Permanent Disability Scheme.


3. Death benefits: A lump sum benefit as if the member had retired on date of death PLUS a lump sum of three years' salary on—
(i) Death in service of a contributing member before the age of 65;
(ii) Death before the age of 65 where death occurs within six weeks of ceasing employment, if ex-member was unemployed for such period and had been a member of the Fund for a consecutive period of not less than two years prior to such unemployment;
(iii) Death before the age of 65 where death occurs within six months of ceasing employment owing to sickness or a works accident, and ex-member was unemployed owing to such sickness or work accident until the date of death.


4. A lump sum benefit on retrenchment / redundancy, before the age of 65, as if the member had retired on date of retrenchment / redundancy. The fund will aim to pay the benefit within six weeks after cessation of service in the industries: Provided that the member has not returned to employment in the industries within that period.


5. A lump sum on ceasing service in the industries for reasons other than in (1) to (4) above. The lump sum is a refund of the member's own contributions, PLUS interest, PLUS a share of the employer's contributions, less costs, according to length of continuous service, and is payable not less than eight weeks after the cessation of service in the industries.


To be completed by the employer:


(i) Name of employee (surname first) .......................................................


(ii) Identity Ref. No:....................................Works No:................................


(iii) Period of service (from) ........................ to ..........................................


(iv) Reasons for termination of employment:
- Retrenchment
- Redundancy
- Resignation
- Permanent disability / incapacity
- Other


(v) In cases of retrenchment, state name and regional council and date on which notification of retrenchment was given under clause 35 of the Main Agreement:

Regional Council



(vi) The appropriate form for benefits has been handed to the employee.


For and on behalf of the employer




(i) Claim forms for the various benefits are available from regional councils or from the offices of the Metal Industries Provident Fund.


(ii) It should be ensured that the employee has been handed his membership card of the fund and any brochures or other information relating to the Fund.


(iii) The employer is required to maintain a permanent record of the permanent address (i.e. home address) of each employee.




R2212 signatures i

R2212 signatures ii

R2212 signatures iii

R2212 signatures iv

R2212 signatures v

R2212 signatures vi