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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


Bargaining Council for the Canvas Goods Industry, Gauteng

Extension to Non-Parties of the Main Collective Agreement

17. Sick Fund


17.1 The Canvas Goods Sick Fund (hereinafter referred to as "the Fund"), established under Government Notice R. 2084 of 29 December 1939, is hereby continued.

[Clause 17(17.1) substituted by section 7 of Notice No. R. 29, GG44090, dated 22 January 2021]


17.2 For the purpose of meeting the expenses of the Fund, every employer shall make the following contributions in respect of employees actually being paid the remuneration stated below, one half of which shall be deductible from the remuneration of the employees:

Wages per week

contributions payable

From R225,00 per week upwards


(R5.00 from employer and R5.00 from employee)


Such payment shall be made by the employer to the Sick Fund bank account by not later than the last day of the month in respect of which the contributions are due.


Every employer undertakes to furnish to the secretary of the Council, upon request or upon the employment of any employee or person deemed to be an employee, details of all employees, including their full names, identity number and job designations, as well as their date of commencement of employment. The secretary will capture all these details onto the Sick Fund's database, which shall be maintained and updated upon notification by the employer of any taking on or termination of employment of any such employee or deemed employee.


Such contributions shall also be made when an employee is being paid in terms of clauses 6.1.1, 8 and 9 and of this Agreement and shall be made in full even in the event of any employee being paid less than a full week's ages, as well as during all period of leave, including maternity leave.

[Clause 17(17.2) substituted by section 7 of Notice No. R. 29, GG44090, dated 22 January 2021]


17.3 All monies received into the Fund shall be deposited in or transferred electronically to the special account which has been opened at a bank registered under the Banking Act and nominated by the Council. Interest shall be charged at 2% more than the then prevailing prime rate as determined from time to time, by FNB, and any payments not paid on due date as specified in clause 17.2 above.


17.4 All payments out of the Fund shall be by cheque or electronic transfer drawn on the Fund's account. All such cheques shall be signed or transfers authorised by the Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the Council.


17.5 The Fund shall be administered by the Council.


17.6 The Council may frame regulations for the carrying out of the objects of the Fund. A copy of such regulations and any amendment thereto shall be lodged with the Department of Labour.


17.7 Immediately a person ceases to be an employee in the Industry he shall have no claim whatsoever on the funds or benefits of the Fund.


17.8 A public accountant whose remuneration shall be decided by the Council shall be appointed annually. The public accountant shall audit the accounts of the Fund annually, and not later than 1 June in each year, prepare a statement showing—
17.8.1 all moneys received— in terms of sub clause 17.2 hereof; from any source; and
17.8.2 expenditure incurred under all headings during the 12 months ended 31 December preceding, together with a balance sheet showing the assets and liabilities of the Fund. The audited statement and balance sheet shall thereafter lie for inspection at the office of the Council and copies thereof shall be transmitted to the Department of Employment and Labour, within three months after the close of the period covered by it.


17.9 All administrative charges, banking and audit charges shall be a charge upon the Fund.


17.10 Benefits shall cease when the funds in hand drop to less than R15 000.00 and shall not be resumed until the funds in hand amount to not less than R20 000.00. Any benefits, the payment of which an employee would have been entitled immediately, but for this sub clause, shall become a first charge on the Fund when payments are resumed.


17.11 Subject to the regulations of the Fund referred to in sub clause 17.6 of this clause, the Fund provides for the following minimum benefits to all employees in the Industry:
17.11.1 No benefits are available In respect of:
(i) Any injury covered by Workman's Compensation;
(ii) Illness arising from pregnancies, alcoholism, venereal disease, drug addiction or member's own negligence;
(iii) Operations or Confinements.
17.11.2 In order to claim benefits, you will have to personally have to present your identity document to the doctor, and inform him that he is bound by the rules of the Sick Fund. The benefits are not available to the family of the member.
17.11.3 Ali employees in respect of whom 13 consecutive weekly contributions have been paid, shall be entitled to—
(i) Eight (8) ordinary consultations per annum by any General Practitioner, excluding treatment in respect of any pregnancy. The Sick Fund will cover up to a maximum of R250.00 (Two Hundred and Fifty Rand) including any mediation dispensed. The balance must be paid for by the member.
(ii) Refund of specialist's fees to a maximum of R3 000.00 per 12-month period. This service must be obtained on the recommendation of a registered general practitioner i.e. a doctor.
(iii) Free transport to state hospital by ambulance.
(iv) Free dental extraction, fillings and scaling of teeth (Limited R750.00 p.a.)
(v) Half the cost of eye surgeon's fees provided these are obtained by the Fund Optician's recommendation.
(vi) Free chiropractic treatments. (Limited R500.00 p.a.)
(vii) Hospital cost of R16.00 per day for employee's state to a maximum of 14 days each year.
17 11.4 To all employees in respect of whom 52 contributions have been paid, the following further additional benefits shall apply:
(i) We pay 33 1/3 per cent of the cost of the eye examination, and lenses. Frames we pay R150.00. The employee to pay all other excesses himself
(ii) Dentures and dental repairs. We pay 50 %.
(iii) Operations we pay R500.00 per annum - State Hospitals only.
(iv) Radiologists - Limited R500.00 per annum.
(v) Pathologists - limit R500.00 per annum.

Claims must be submitted on the prescribed form accompanied by the medical certificate.


N.B: Please note only benefits detailed are covered. Members are responsible for extra costs incurred.