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Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002)


Directions from the Department of Health to prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19

21. Designation of quarantine facilities


(1) The National Department of Health, provincial departments of health, the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure and municipalities must collaboratively allocate and designate quarantine facilities which will be under the management of the provincial departments of health, and which must provide, amongst others, the following:
(a) Primary health care services including test swabs and supporting medical services;
(b) Environmental health services;
(c) Emergency medical services;
(d) Forensic pathology services; and
(e) PPE.


(2) Quarantine or isolation facilities must adhere to the criteria stipulated in the approved guidelines for quarantine and isolation.

[Direction 21(2) inserted by section 9 of Notice No. 1278, GG43954, dated 3 December 2020]