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Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002)


Directions from the Department of Health to prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19

11. Conveyance of COVID-19 mortal remains


(1) [Direction 11(1) deleted by section 3 of Notice No. 1278, GG43954, dated 3 December 2020]


(2) No person other than an attending medical practitioner, an attending forensic pathologist or a medical practitioner who can prove that he or she has treated the deceased during illness, may certify that the person did not die of an infectious disease. A certificate or declaration that a person did not die of an infectious disease must—
(a) accompany the mortal remains at all times during the conveyance and up to the burial; and
(b) be shown to an Environmental Health Practitioner on demand, by the person responsible for the conveyance of the mortal remains.


(3) No person may—
(a) damage a polythene bag or a sturdy non -transparent sealed coffin;
(b) open such bag or coffin;
(c) remove the mortal remains from the bag or coffin; or
(d) come into direct contact with the mortal remains after the bag or coffin has been sealed, unless it is done on the funeral undertaker's premises with suitable PPE.


(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph (1), the importation and exportation of human remains must be in accordance with requirements of the Human Remains Regulations.