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Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002)


Preventative Measures in the Railway Operations (COVID-19 Control Measures on the Operations by Rail) Directions, 2020

8. Provision of access, hygiene, screening equipment and disinfection control at train stations, terminals and hand-over facilities


(1) No person will be allowed to use any form of Public Transport or enter a building, place or premises if he or she is not wearing a cloth face mask or a homemade item that covers nose and mouth.


(2) Stations operators must provide adequate sanitation supplies for washing of hands for passengers at station, yards, rail terminals and depots.


(3) Operators must put in place procedures for cleaning and disinfection of railway assets.


(4) Station, yards, depots, rail terminals and railway maintenance workshops personnel shall be provided with appropriate personnel protective equipment by their respective employers.


(5) Operators may make provision for medical equipment to conduct random medical testing of passengers or personnel for COVID-19 infections.


(6) Fitness for duty assessments for safety critical staff to include medical screening for COVID-19.