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Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002)


Directions from the Department of Health to prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19

18. Cost of Quarantine for Persons Entering the Republic

[Heading substituted by section 6 of Notice No. 1278, GG43954, dated 3 December 2020]


(1) A traveller entering the Republic or his or her employer must bear the cost of quarantine and isolation.


(2) The employer must bear the costs of the quarantine and isolation of airline crew and cross border freight operators.


(3) Employers who wish to have their employees in quarantine or isolation facilities of the employers' choice must pay all costs incurred.


(4) Monitoring and testing of travellers in quarantine or isolation facilities remain the responsibility of the traveller or employer.


[Direction 18 substituted by section 6 of Notice No. 1278, GG43954, dated 3 December 2020]