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Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002)


Directions from the Department of Health to prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19

19. Criteria for self-quarantine and self-isolation for persons inside the Republic

[Heading substituted by section 7(a) of Notice No. 1278, GG43954, dated 3 December 2020]


(1) In order to qualify for self-quarantine or self-Isolation, the applicant must have the following:
(a) Separate well ventilated bedroom with a bathroom and toilet, or a residence that is not shared with persons who are not subject to quarantine;
(b) meals served in the room in disposable utensils or utensils that are separate and are washed properly, if there are persons who are not subject to quarantine;
(c) support from friends or family that can facilitate the drop off of food and medicine at the gate if they are not able to make use of online shopping facilities and contactless deliveries;
(d) thermometer that will allow him or her to measure his or her temperature daily;
(e) access to the internet and a phone that allows the daily reporting of symptoms;
(f) access to a private physician that he or she can contact should he or she be in need of medical advice or care; and
(g) a contact number where he or she can be reached during the period of self-quarantine or self-isolation.


(2) The 10-day period of quarantine and isolation applies to persons—
(a) entering the Republic without a valid test certificate who are subjected to quarantine;
(b) who upon entry, have been screened and found to be COVID-19 positive or suspected of having contracted COVID-19; and
(c) who are inside the Republic and have to be quarantined (either because they are suspected of having contracted COVID-19 or of having been in contact with a person who is a carrier of COVID-19) or isolated (because they are confirmed as clinical or laboratory cases having contracted COVID-19).

[Direction 19(2) substituted by section 7(b) of Notice No. 1278, GG43954, dated 3 December 2020]