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Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002)

Chapter 3 : National Disaster Management

Part 1 : National Disaster Management Centre

Powers and duties of National Centre

19. Disaster management plans and strategies


(1) The National Centre must—
(a) develop guidelines for the preparation, and regular review and updating, of disaster management plans and strategies by organs of state and other institutional role-players involved in disaster management;
(b) support and assist in the preparation, and regular review and updating, of these plans and strategies by organs of state and other institutional role-players involved in disaster management;
(c) assist in aligning these plans and strategies;
(d) assist in co-ordinating the implementation of these plans and strategies by the respective organs of state and other role-players;
(e) develop guidelines for the integration of the concept and principles of disaster management, and particularly strategies on prevention and mitigation, with national, provincial and municipal development plans, programmes and initiatives; and
(f) support and assist in the integration referred to in paragraph (e).