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Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002)

Chapter 3 : National Disaster Management

Part 1 : National Disaster Management Centre

Powers and duties of National Centre

20. Prevention and mitigation


(1) The National Centre, to the extent that it has the capacity, must give guidance to organs of state, the private sector, non-governmental organisations, communities and individuals to assess and prevent or reduce the risk of disasters, including—
(a) ways and means of—
(i) determining of risk;
(ii) assessing the vulnerability of communities and households to disasters that may occur;
(iii) increasing the capacity of communities and households to minimise the risk and impact of disasters that may occur; and
(iv) monitoring the likelihood of, and the state of alertness to, disasters that may occur;
(b) the development and implementation of appropriate prevention and mitigation methodologies;
(c) the integration of prevention and mitigation methodologies with development plans, programmes and initiatives; and
(d) the management of high-risk developments.


(2) The National Centre must promote formal and informal initiatives that encourage risk-avoidance behaviour by organs of state, the private sector, non-governmental organisations, communities and individuals.