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Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002)


Directions from the Department of Health to prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19

16. Persons exiting the Republic


(1) A person exiting the Republic through a point of entry must be subjected to screening, including the completion of a traveller health questionnaire.


(2) A person who during screening, is found to have had exposure to COVID-19 or is presenting with any signs and symptoms of COVID-19 must be subjected to a medical examination which may include testing.


(3) Based on the outcome of the medical examination referred to in sub-paragraph (2), the Director -General: Health or any delegated person may make a decision on whether or not the person is allowed to exit the Republic.


(4) Persons found to have contracted COVID-19 pursuant to testing in terms of sub-paragraph (2) must be placed under mandatory isolation or hospitalisation.


(5) Persons placed under isolation as provided for in sub-paragraph (4) may be permitted to self-isolate at their own private residence if they comply with the criteria set-out in paragraph 19.


[Direction 16 substituted by section 4 of Notice No. 1278, GG43954, dated 3 December 2020]