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Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002)


Directions regarding the phased return of children to Early Childhood Development Programmes and Partial Care Facilities


Annexure D : Form 4 : Verification and Monitoring




Department of Social Development





compliance with measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 in early childhood development programmes or partial care facilities in the Republic of South Africa. [Direction 4(7)]



Form 4 needs to be used for the purpose of verification or monitoring of compliance with the conditions set for the re-opening and management of an early childhood development programme or partial care facility, which may include,—

(a) an assessment/verification of an early childhood development programme or partial care facility prior to the re-opening; and
(b) monitoring visits or assessments for the purpose of ensuring compliance after the re-opening of an early childhood development programme or partial care facility.


This verification or monitoring may be done by an official from the National Department of Social Development, provincial Department of Social Development, or a person from a designated organisation that has been authorized in writing to assist with assessment, verification, monitoring and support.



Online: Form 4 is available online at and needs to be completed online. If it is not possible to do an online form, a paper-based copy may be used and needs to be submitted to the nearest service office.


Rationale for monitoring

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic several and various policies, protocols and practices have to be implemented to reduce the transmission of the virus. With the risks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, it is vital that the early childhood development programme or partial care facility be monitored to determine whether the measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 are in place, and if not, to provide the necessary guidance, support and direction for adherence.


Preparation for verification or monitoring

Verification or monitoring should always be done in a supportive manner. Never do any verification or monitoring without being thoroughly prepared. The person doing the verification or monitoring needs to have sufficient and correct knowledge regarding the measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 in general, and these apply to an early childhood development programme or partial care facility, so that the monitor can also guide programme or facility to meet the requirements .


The person doing the verification or monitoring visit shall have copies (paper or electronically) and a reasonable level of knowledge of the following documents as to be able to execute a high-quality monitoring visit and to be able to provide guidance and support as needed:

(a) Department of Social Development's Standard Operating Procedures and Guidelines for an early childhood development programme or partial care facility that provides an after-school service on measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19;
(b) Circular regarding preparation and planning for the re-opening of early childhood development programmes or partial care facilities that provide an after-school service, subject to the announcement of a date by the Minister of Social Development issued under the signature of the Acting Director-General of the DSD on 21 June 2020;
(c) Minister of Social Development's Directions regarding the re-opening of early childhood development programmes or partial care facilities and measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 in early childhood development programmes or partial care facilities that provide an after school service in the Republic of South Africa (once published in the Government Gazette);
(d) Regulations in terms of section 27(2) of the Disaster Management Act. 2002, published by Government Notice No. R. 480 of 29 April 2020 (Government Gazette No. 43364), or amendment thereof;
(e) Directions on Health and Safety Measures in the Workplace by the Minister of Employment and Labour in terms of regulation 4(10) of the Regulations R480 of 29 April 2020 issued by the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs in terms of section 27(2) of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002) by Government Notice No. R. 639 of 4 June 2020 (Government Gazette No. 43400), or any subsequent Directions that may be issued;
(f) The Department of Health's Guidelines can be downloaded here:

(g) Directions issued in terms of regulation 10(5) of the Regulations made under section 27(2) of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 OF 2002): Measures to Prevent And Combat The Spread of COVID-19 published by Government Notice No 430 of 30 March 2020 (Government Gazette No. 43182), as amended, issued by the Minister of Social Development;
(h) Directions issued in terms of regulation 4(3) of the Regulations made under the Act regarding the re-opening of early childhood development programmes or partial care facilities that provide an after-school service and measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 issued by the Minister of Social Development (once published in the Government Gazette);
(i) Any other Direction issued by a member of Cabinet in terms of regulation 10 of the Regulations made under section 27(2) of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 OF 2002) that apply directly or indirectly to the operations of an early childhood development programme or partial care facility under COVID-19.


An enabling approach

The verification or monitoring to ensure compliance with the measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 is a requirement, but is also a collaborative and supportive process between the party responsible for the monitoring and the early childhood development programme or partial care facility that is being monitored. Therefore,  it is important that the verification or monitoring process is engaging based on discussions with principal, programme supervisor or person responsible regarding areas of compliance and non-compliance.


In the case where there is any area of non-compliance apply the following principles:

1. Discuss the area of non-compliance with the early childhood development programme or partial care facility as to ascertain whether they understand what is being required and explain the reasons, if any, for non-compliance (non-compliance may be due to not understanding what is required in a particular area).
2. Determine the reasons why the early childhood development programme or partial care facility is struggling to comply with or implement the specific area or element.
3. Focus on solving the problem of non-compliance with the early childhood development programme or partial care facility through creative and innovative means.
4. In the case where there it is evident that the area or element that needs to be in place and implemented will not be possible, contact a social service practitioner at the nearest office of the Department of Social Development for advice and support.


How to conduct the monitoring visit

Every verification or monitoring visit needs to be conducted in a professional and respectful manner. The following will assist with that:

1. Upon arrival, first find the manager or person in charge of the early childhood development programme or partial care facility before you start the verification or monitoring visit.
2. Introduce yourself and confirm that you have permission to do the verification or monitoring visit. Introduce yourself, the organisation you represent and explain the purpose of the verification or monitoring visit and how it will be conducted.
3. Explain that the verification or monitoring visit is needed to ensure that the early childhood development programme or partial care facility is compliant with the measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 as published in the Regulations, the Directives and the SOP issued by the Department of Social Development, but ALSO to determine where you can be of assistance when they struggle with some areas of compliance or refer them for assistance.
4. Also indicate that you will be looking at the same areas that they indicated in the self-assessment questionnaire as well as some items in the standard operating procedures.
5. Request the manager or person in charge or person designated to accompany you when you walk through the early childhood development programme or partial care facility.
6. Complete this Form 4 while you conduct the verification or monitoring visit.
7. If something is unclear, ask the person who accompanies you.
8. Always provide your contact details to the manager before you leave.
9. Before you leave the early childhood development programme or partial care facility, you must first provide the manager with feedback on your findings and recommendations, as far as possible and feasible.
10. Be clear about the next steps.



You are required to wear a face mask during the whole visit.
You must adhere to the entry symptom screening before you enter the premises.
Wash your hands regularly or use hand sanitiser.
Maintain a physical distance of at least 1 metre from staff and children at all times.
Refrain from touching surfaces and objects if possible.


Remember the success of a verification or monitoring visit largely depends on the attitude and approach of the person conducting the monitoring. Always be friendly , supportive and caring in your interactions with management and staff.


Monitoring questionnaire

How to complete this form:

The person doing the verification or monitoring (monitoring official) must complete section A.
All sections must be completed. If an area or element is not applicable, indicate clearly N/A for not applicable. Do not leave open.
Each item in the checklist in section C should have a tick (to show requirement has been met) or cross (to show not met) next to it - none should be left blank.
The monitoring official should then tick ONE OPTION ONLY of the three statements in section D.
This form must be signed and dated by the monitoring official, as well as the manager or designated person of the early childhood development programme or partial care facility that was verified/monitored. (If this form is completed electronically, this will be done automatically).

N762 Form 4 Section A

N762 Form 4 Section Ai

N762 Form 4 Section Aii

N762 Form 4 Section Aiii

This Form 4 needs to be submitted by the monitoring officer within 2 working days to the office of the Department of Social Development within which jurisdiction this early childhood development programme or partial care facility falls.