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GT Shield

Chapter IX : Offences, Penal Provisions and Legal Procedure


312. Offences not expressly mentioned

313. Penalties for offences

314. Bribery

315. Forgery and other fraudulent acts

316. Obstructing administration of Act

317. Stowaways

318. Ships not to be boarded without authority

319. Offences in connection with passenger ships

320. Obstruction of navigation of ship

321. Conveyance of deserter on board ship

322. Imprisoned seafarers may be sent back on board

323. Deduction from wages and payment to proper officers etc of fines

324. Authority may impose penalty upon admission of guilt

325. Release from forfeiture or mitigation of penalties

326. Appropriation of wages to satisfy award of compensation in offences against discipline

327. Jurisdiction in respect of offences committed outside the Republic

328. Jurisdiction of magistrates' courts to impose punishment

329. [Repealed]

330. [Repealed]

331. [Repealed]

332. [Repealed]

333. Inquiry into cause of death on board ship

334. Forfeiture of ships, shares in ships and goods

335. Method of detaining a vessel or a share in a ship or goods

336. Procedure in forfeiture of a ship, a share in a ship or goods

337. Seizure of a ship, a share in a ship or goods detained or liable to forfeiture

338. No clearance to be granted to detained ship

339. Detention of foreign ship that has occasioned damage

340. Notice to be given to consular representative of proceedings taken in respect of foreign ships

341. Conveyance of accused persons and witnesses to the Republic

342. Service of documents

343. [Repealed]

343bis. Indemnification of State and Authority and certain persons in the employ of State and Authority

343ter. Exemption from liability

344. Prescription

345. Payment of allowances to persons appointed to make preliminary enquiries into shipping casualties, to members of courts of marine enquiry, maritime courts or courts of survey and assessors

346. Presumption of knowledge

347. Presumption in case of collision

348. Mode of making declaration

349. Power to dispense with declarations and other evidence

350. Admissibility of documents in evidence

351. Evidence as to agreement with crew

352. Acts done by courts and functionaries of the Republic in relation to treaty ships other than South African ships

353. Acts done by courts and functionaries of other treaty countries in relation to South African ships