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Children's Act, 2005 (Act No. 38 of 2005)


General Regulations Regarding Children, 2010

Chapter 6 : Child Protection System (Sections 104-110 and 142(a)-(f) of the Act)

37. Powers and responsibilities of persons suitable to investigate child abuse or neglect


A person who is suitable in terms of regulation 36 to conduct investigations into cases of alleged child abuse or neglect, and who has received a report alleging the abuse or neglect of a child, must—

(a) investigate that report in accordance with regulation 35 within a reasonable time that may be required by the severity of the case;
(b) in cases of sexual abuse cases refer the child, within 72 hours, to a medical health professional for medical treatment;
(c) if necessary, accompany the child or cause the child to be accompanied to a police station for purposes of laying a complaint;
(d) if necessary, accompany the child or cause the child to be accompanied to a medical facility for purposes of medical treatment;
(e) facilitate counselling and support to reduce trauma to the child and his or her family members, and if necessary, refer the child to other relevant disciplines;
(f) co-ordinate the available and applicable child protection services to ensure the safety and well-being of the child;
(g) develop and implement a child protection plan in consultation with the child, his or her parents, guardian or care-giver and, if required, other relevant disciplines;
(h) review the child protection plan on a six-monthly basis or earlier, depending on the severity of the abuse or neglect;
(i) ensure that the prescribed particulars of the child are recorded in Part A of the National Child Protection Register; and
(j) take the protective measures contemplated in the Act prescribed in Section 151 and 152 of the Act.