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Children's Act, 2005 (Act No. 38 of 2005)

Chapter 13 : Child and Youth Care Centres

Part 2 : Operation and management of child and youth care centre

209. Manager and staff of child and youth care centre


(1) The person or organisation operating a child and youth care centre must appoint or designate—
(a) a person as the manager of the centre; and
(b) a sufficient number of staff or other appropriate persons to assist in operating the centre.


(2) A person may be appointed or designated in terms of subsection (1) only—
(a) after following an interview process as prescribed;
(b) if that person has the skills and training as prescribed; and
(c) if that person is a fit and proper to assist in operating a child and youth care centre.


(3) A person unsuitable to work with children is not a fit and proper person to assist in operating or serving at a child and youth care centre.