Acts Online
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Children's Act, 2005 (Act No. 38 of 2005)


General Regulations Regarding Children, 2010

Chapter 17 : Inter-Country Adoption (Sections 254-273 of the Act)

114. Return of child following withdrawal of consent by Central Authority to adoption by person in convention or non-convention country


(1) Where the Central Authority of the Republic withdraws its consent to an inter-country adoption given to a convention country pursuant to section 261(6) or 262(6) of the Act, the Central Authority of the Republic must forward a letter setting out the withdrawal of consent to the Central Authority in the convention country with whom the agreement was made, requesting co-operation for the return of the child to the Republic.


(2) The letter contemplated in sub-regulation (1) must be forwarded electronically or through a postal service.


(3) The request for co-operation contemplated in sub-regulation (1) must be stipulated in specific terms, including the time when and the place where the child has to be handed over to an identified representative of the Central Authority of the Republic.


(4) The Central Authority of the Republic must appoint an escort to accompany a child on his or her return to the Republic, who must be a suitably qualified or experienced person employed by the Department or by a designated child protection organisation.


(5) The costs related to the return of the child, including the costs of the person appointed to escort the child, must be paid for out of funds made available for this purpose by the Central Authority of the Republic.


(6) The Central Authority of the Republic must, within seven days of the child's arrival in the Republic, effect an appropriate amendment to the adoption register established in terms of section 247 of the Act and notify the Director-General of the Department of Home Affairs of the child's return.