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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


Bargaining Council for the Building Industry, Cape of Good Hope

Extension to Non-parties of the Main Consolidated Collective Agreement

Annexure A: Rules for Conciliating and Arbitrating disputes in the Building Industry Bargaining Council (Rules)

Part E: Rules that apply to Conciliations, Arbitrations and Con-Arbs

26. When the Council may consolidate disputes


(1) The Council or a Council arbitrator may, of its own accord, be consent of the parties or on application from a party in terms of Rule 30 consolidate more than one dispute so that the disputes may be dealt with in the same proceedings.


(2) The Council or a Council arbitrator may consolidate separate disputes where—
(a) the relief sought in each of the separate dispute to be consolidated, depends on the determination of similar or substantially the same questions of law and fact;
(b) there will be no substantial prejudice on the party or parties sought to be joined through a consolidation ruling;
(c) the balance of convenience favours the consolidation; and
(d) the Council has jurisdiction on all disputes sought to be consolidated.