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Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002)


Regulations issued in terms of Section 27(2) of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (COVID-19)

Chapter 3 : Adjusted Alert Level 4

24. Places and premises closed to the public


(1) Until 25 July 2021 after which this provision will be reviewed, any place or premises normally open to the public where religious, cultural, entertainment, recreational, or similar activities, which are prohibited in terms of these regulations, may take place, is closed.


(2) Until 25 July 2021 after which this provision will be reviewed, the following places or premises normally open to the public or where people may gather, are closed and include—
(a) flea markets;
(b) fetes and bazaars;
(c) night clubs;
(d) casinos;
(e) taverns and shebeens, or similar establishments;
(f) conferencing, exhibitions and entertainment facilities;
(g) museums, libraries, archives and galleries, and
(h) older persons' residential facilities for visits.


(3) Persons rendering security and maintenance services may continue to perform these services at the places or premises listed in this regulation.


(4) The Cabinet member responsible for cooperative governance and traditional affairs may, by direction in the Gazette, determine any other place or premises that must be closed, if there is a risk to any person or members of the public being exposed to COVID-19.


[Regulation 24 substituted by section 4 of Notice No. 635, GG44872, dated 19 July 2021]