Acts Online
GT Shield

Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002)


Directions on Zero-rating of Content and Websites for Education and Health

3. Zero-rating criteria for Basic Education sector


3.1 The following websites qualify for zero-rating subject to approval by the National Department of Basic Education (DBE):


3.1.1 DBE and Provincial Education Departments' (PED) websites/portals;


3.1.2 Local websites offering free access to educational content resources;


3.1.3 Local commercial websites that offer all learners unconditional or free access to educational content resources or offer parents or learners direct access to their respective schools' teaching and learning content resources;


3.1.4 Websites of educational institutions registered with the 9 PEDs; and


3.1.5 Websites of educational institutions accredited by Umalusi.


3.2 An application for the approval of zero-rating of websites for the Basic Education sector must be submitted to—
Basic Education websites - [email protected]