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Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003)

Industry Charters

Forest Sector Charter

13. Enterprise Development

13.1 Sector Targets


The development of sustainable black-owned and black women owned enterprises is critical in promoting equity with growth in the sector. The important role of SMME development in underpinning economic growth and ensuring that black economic empowerment is broad­ based, will be emphasised in this regard.


The industry aligns itself with National Codes of Good Practice on enterprise development. The scorecard also provides three bonus points for additional enterprise development spend to support sector specific initiatives in enterprise development. This is further outlined in paragraph 15.1 of the Charter. Special attention will be given to targeting women and rural communities in enterprise  development  support


Shortages in log and sawtimber supplies enable forest enterprises to leverage B-BBEE through the sale of these products to BEE enterprises. For this reason, points have been re-allocated  to  support  the  sale  of  logs and  sawtimber to  BEE compliant  and  black  owned enterprises.