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Frequently Asked Questions relating to Acts Online
Not at the moment, the current focus is on National Legislation.
The Acts themselves are available in a printable format on our shop www.acts.co.za/shop. There are also purchase links in the acts themselves.
We are not lawyers, please do not send us case histories or employment situations. While we sympathise with the situation we suggest that you contact a lawyer or legal aid for help.
If the Act was gazetted after 1993 you can normally find it on the web site of the government department that administers it, start at http://www.gov.za/ and go to the "Documents" section, work your way around from there.
http://www.gov.za/ (South Africa Government Online)
parliament – Parliament web site
On Acts Online we apply gazetted amendments to the Act itself, thus keeping the Act up to date. The amendment Acts themselves are not available on this site, most are available from the links provided above.