R 385
To provide for legal security of tenure by transferring communal land, including KwaZulu-Natal Ingonyama land, to communities, or by awarding comparable redress; to provide for the conduct of a land rights enquiry to determine the transition from old order rights to new order rights; to provide for the democratic administration of communal land by communities; to provide for Land Rights Boards; to provide for the co-operative performance of municipal functions on communal land; to amend or repeal certain laws; and to provide for matters incidental thereto.
Last update: September 2008
Copyright: This Act reproduced under Government Printers Copyright Authority 10154 dated 20 March 1996
Disclaimer: This Act is presented "as is". Please read our Disclaimer before continuing.
The Communal Land Rights Act, 2004 (Act No. 11 of 2004) has been added to the site, as published in Government Gazette No. 26590 dated 20 July 2004.