The cash heist suspect who worked at the ANC headquarters was involved behind the scenes in President Cyril Ramaphosa’s ANC presidential campaign‚ a newspaper reported on Friday.
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Disgraced and disbarred father and son attorneys Ronald and Darren Bobroff are on a list of the worlds’ most wanted fugitives after Interpol issued Red Notices for their arrest, says Moneyweb.
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It’s a shakedown that’s been going on for several years in KwaZulu-Natal, but is now rearing its head in Johannesburg. Local community gangs, often armed, threaten to shut down construction sites unless they are given 30% of the work.
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The planet has rarely been so peaceful. Even with terrible fighting in such places as Congo, Syria and Yemen, wars between and within countries are becoming less common and less deadly. But a dark menace looms. Some of the developing world’s cities threaten to be engulfed by murder. The Economist looks at some potential solutions that have actually worked - such as Colombia, now experiencing the lowest murder rate in 42 years.
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He is no longer President Zuma. He is citizen Zuma, and with that comes the terrible baggage of his past. This week we learned of the charges that Zuma is to face, confirming what many have long believed - that Zuma became president as a way to stay out of jail.
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Fourteen inmates of Johannesburg “Sun City” Medium B prison yesterday told the High Court that they were going up to 20 hours between the last meal of the day and breakfast. Fourteen inmates of Johannesburg “Sun City” Medium B prison yesterday told the High Court that they were going up to 20 hours between the last meal of the day and breakfast. The case cast an interesting light on conditions in the prison, with allegations that prison guards are dealing in drugs.
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The murder of President John F Kennedy 54 years ago has been described as the “crime of the century”. If US and Western news media cannot discuss this seminal event openly and honestly, let alone investigate it, then what does that say about their credibility? For half a century, the mainstream press has clung to the story that the killing was done by a lone nut, Lee Harvey Oswald. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) invented the "conspiracy theory" slur to prevent honest investigation of the JFK crime scene. Finian Cunningham systematically dismantles this implausible lone nut theory and shames the media in the process.
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A security incident report has shed new light on the chaotic events that unfolded as Zimbabwean first lady Grace Mugabe went on a rampage at a luxury hotel in Johannesburg.
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Several people, who have each lost large amounts of money due to Internet banking fraud, are taking their fight to ABSA and Standard Bank – with legal action on the cards. The victims say numerous banking staff members must have been involved. The evidence suggests the crooks knew exactly what funds were available in the victims' accounts, which accounts were linked, and from where money could be transferred.
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Thousands of illegal miners descend each morning into the bowels of the old Modder B mine to the east of Joburg. This is outlaw country, where guns and knives are the arbiters of petty squabbles. You can hire a hitman for a few thousand rand. The centre of this activity is Lindelane, which is - literally - the garbage can of Joburg.
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The Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse (OUTA) today laid criminal charges against Daniel Mahlangu of BnP Capital, the little-known boutique finance house that stood to gain R256m for arranging finance on behalf of SAA. And in a clear threat to SAA employees who were party to the alleged fraudulent financing scheme, OUTA says they had better come forward with information or they too may be charged.
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Private investogator Paul O'Sullivan says he has been targeted for elimination by Radovan Krejcir, the East European gangster he helped put away. Wherever there is a smell of corruption, O'Sullivan gets on the case and does not hold back. Earlier this yer, while boarding a plane to London with his two daughters, he was arrested by agents of what he says is a corrupt State security machine, and held in a rat-infested Pretoria prison for several days. His latest disclosures are nuclear. SAA chairwoman Dudu Myeni, with no real qualification for the job, has been setting up deals that favour mysterious and wholly unqualified BEE businesses. Paul O'Sullivan talks to Alec Hogg.
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The ANC seems to be softening its stance on criminal defamation. The ANC and its partners stood firmly behind the criminalisation of defamation to protect the reputation of President Jacob Zuma, but perhaps realises this is a lost cause and antipathetic to free speech.
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A Miami-based website that exposes investment fraud and Ponzi schemes has put out a warning about Mauritius-based Belvedere Management, which is partly owned by South African Cobus Kellerman, for falsely inflating its investment returns.
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The killing of Cecil the Hwange lion by a US dentist is tragic, but what we really need is protection from the wildlife lobby and its counter-productive lobbying for bans on the trade in animal parts. Europeans telling Africans how to run their wildlife resources has yielded a surge in trade for illegal rhino horn.
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Celebrity investigator Paul O'Sullivan has promised to bring down police commissioner Riah Piyega after his offices were raided yesterday morning by about 20 police officers and his cell phones and computers were seized. The State has agreed to return ther seized items today, while O'Sullivan is seeking to set aside the search warrant.
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Rael Levitt, former CEO of the now defunct Auction Alliance which closed down in 2012 following disclosure of fake auctions, has failed to prevent the Hawks from investigating allegations of fraud, corruption and money laundering.
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The State prosecution's preparation of cases leaves much to be desired. The State's case against Shrien Dewani, the UK businessman charged and then acquitted of murdering his wife, fell apart in record time. This prompted the justice department to review the matter.
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Former intelligence minister Ronnie Kasrils is suing deputy defence minister Kebby Maphatsoe for defamation for claiming he set up President Jacob Zuma for a rape charge.
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The US recognises the right of the individual to stand their ground and defend themselves when under imminent threat of attack. In South Africa, the law is somewhat murkier, but the courts lean towards the concept of retreat from imminent danger rather than violent confrontation.
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Shrien Dewani was found not guiltyof murdering his wife Anni while on honeymoon in the Cape in 2010. Judge Traverso found that the murder charge rested on the unreliable evidence of the taxi driver who supposedly organised the execution of Anni. A support group calling itself Justice4Anni called the verdict an insult to the people of SA.
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What are the rights of mentally ill people who are accused of serious crimes? Previously, they were locked up in institutions, but a recent case makes this more difficult and courts have less discretion to use mental institutions as dumping grounds for difficult cases.
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The South African justice system's reputation is taking strain after the defence team for Shrien Dewani - accused of setting up the murder of his wife in 2010 - starts to fall apart. The Daily Mail speculates that he could be home within days.
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South Africa's introduction of plea bargaining has resulted in police laziness rather than better justice, writes Letepe Maisela. This is likey to become a factor in the Shrien Dewani trial, now taking place in the Cape.
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Deon Oberholster - whose wife is fighting her sequestration in the Constitutional Court - was attacked at his home on Wednesday evening by a thug who warned them against pursuing an interdict application to stop the liquidators from coming near their property.
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