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Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No. 1 of 1999)


Treasury Regulations for Departments, Constitutional Institutions and Public Entities

Part 8 : Miscellaneous

22. Payments and remissions as an act of grace


22.1 General [Section 76(1)(j) of the PFMA]


22.1.1 Where no legislative authority exists, the accounting officer may approve as an act of grace or favour—
(a) the remission of money due to a revenue fund; and
(b) payments from a vote.


22.1.2 Where such payments from a vote exceed R100 000, Parliament or provincial legislature approval must be sought by including the item separately in the appropriation bill.


22.1.3 Where there is doubt as to whether an amount may be written off in terms of clause 11.4 of these Regulations, or should be treated as a remission as an act of grace, the relevant treasury must make the decision.


22.1.4 All remissions or payments made as an act of grace during the financial year must be disclosed as a note to the annual financial statements of the institution.