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Pharmacy Act, 1974 (Act No. 53 of 1974)


Regulations relating to Pharmacy Education and Training

Chapter II : Standards of education and training of pharmacists' assistants

30 - 31. Supervision of pharmacy support personnel undergoing in-service training


30. No pharmacist may undertake to act as a tutor to more than three pharmacist’s assistants (learner basic) or more than two pharmacist’s assistants (learner post-basic) undergoing in-service training.


31. Notwithstanding regulation 30, the council may approve a written application for an increase in the ratio as stipulated in regulation 30: Provided that—
(1) each application is treated on its own merit;
(2) the motivation for such application is to the satisfaction of the council;
(3) any increase in the ratio approved by council shall apply in that specific circumstance or situation only and be subject to such conditions as council may determine.