Acts Online
GT Shield



[Annexues below can be found on Notice No. 1754, GG45903, dated 11 February 2022 :


[Annexure 1 : Mandatory codes]


[Annexure 2 : HEG determination - example of statistical approach]


[Annexure 3 : Radiant temperature]


[Annexure 4 : Cold stress management]


[Annexure 5 : Heat stress management]


[Annexure 6 : Medical/physical examinations]


[Annexure 7 : Heat tolerance screening]


[Annexure 8 : Work practices: Surface, opencast and underground operations]


[Annexure 9 : Absenteeism from routine work in hot environments]


[Annexure 10 : Water and nutritional requirements during work in heat]


[Annexure 11 : Emergency work in abnormally hot environments - underground]


[Annexure 12 : Addendum for the thermal stress guideline on the criteria for heat-related illnesses (heat exhaustion and heat stroke)]


[Annexure 13 : Reference documents]