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Property Valuers Profession Act, 2000 (Act No. 47 of 2000)


Publication of Fees and Charges for South African Council for the Property Valuers Profession: Act No. 47 of 2000: Section 12(1): Effective 1 April 2022 until 31 March 2023

Notice No. 1004 of 2022


Notice No. 1004

29 April 2022

GG 46288


Department of Public Works and Infrastructure


1. Application Fee (VAT Inclusive and Non-refundable)
(a) R1395 for all categories of registration, i.e., Professional Valuer (Pr Val), Professional Associated Valuer (Pr AVal), Candidate Valuer (Ca Val), and Single Residential Property Assessor as well as Candidate Single Residential Property Assessor ("CSRPA” and “SRPA”);
(b) Additional R1000 for all International/ Foreign registrations-All categories of registration; and
(c) R18000 for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
(d) R7500 for a new Specified category, e.g., Plant and Equipment (PE), Municipal Property Assessor (MPA) when registration for these opens.


2. Registration Fee (VAT Inclusive)


Professional Valuer

R2745 (50% non-refundable)


Professional Associated Valuer

R2635 (50% non-refundable)


Candidate (both Ca Val and CSRPA)

R1265 (50% non-refundable)


Single Residential Property Assessor and Spec Cat

R2635 (50% non-refundable)


3. Annual Fee (VAT inclusive, Non Refundable (Neither as a whole nor in part)


Registration Category

Fee payable

Pr Val

R4 200

Pr AVal & SRPA

R3 880

Ca Val registered > 5 years

R3 630

Ca Val registered ≤ 5 years

R1 350

All Octogenarians



Due to COVID-19 economic downturn, no penalty fee will be imposed. Also, candidates registering for the first time in 2022/23 need not pay annual fee.

Registration will be suspended if no payment is received by 31 December 2022 and registration will be cancelled if no payment is received by 31 March 2023.


4. Examination & Supplementary Examination Fee (VAT Incl- 50% refundable till 14 days before exam)


Professional Valuer



Professional Associated Valuer and SRPA



5. Other Fees and Charges (Applicable until amended)


Administration Fee (Re-Registration)



Appeal-Disciplinary hearing (Section 12(1)(i))



Appeal (Section 25(1) of the PVP Act, 2000)



Assessing Application ito, PAIA & Furnishing Reasons

R2500 basic charge plus R50 per page


Audio recording

No transcript; only CD/ USB, Actual pd


Duplicate hard copy certificate



Examination- Marking and Invigilating (not online)

R876 (Invigilation fee/ day; Marking- 2 scripts/hour or Moderating- 4 scripts/hr


Examination Refresher session

R2150 if in- person; refer WS for online


Extracts from Register

Free for <6 persons, R20 pp from 6th


Postage fee (certificate and card)



Practical Examination and Interview (SRPA)



Practical Workschool 4-5 day; 3d (SRPA); 1d; Non-RP

R6550; R3750; R1750; add R1000


Pre exam refresher during Workschl- No group no exam

R1750 (first 3 days)


Remarking n Viewing of script

R1945 n R3895 (n/a for online exams)


Validation of CET event and service provider recognition

See CET for various events on website


Witness Fee- including appearance time

R4500, travel time & expenses @ R4.50/km



Registrar (SA Council for the Property Valuers Profession)