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Diamonds Act, 1986 (Act No. 56 of 1986)
Chapter I : Application of Act
1. Definitions
2. Provisions of this Act may be applied in respect of other minerals.
Chapter II : The South African Diamond Regulator
Part 1 : South African Diamond and Precious Metals Regulator
3. Establishment of South African Diamond and Precious Metals Regulator
4. Objects of Regulator
5. Functions of Regulator
6. Board of Regulator
7. Persons disqualified from being members of Regulator
8. Vacating of office by members of Regulator
9. Terms of office of members of Regulator
10. Meetings of Regulator
11. Committees of Regulator
12. Funds of Regulator
13. Persons in service of Regulator
Part 2 : State Diamond Trader
14. Establishment of State Diamond Trader
15. Objects of State Diamond Trader
16. Functions of State Diamond Trader
17. Board of State Diamond Trader
17A. Persons disqualified from being members of Board
17B. Vacating of office by members of Board
17C. Term of office of members of Board
17D. Meetings of Board
17E. Committees of Board
17F. Funds of State Diamond Trader
17G. Persons in service of State Diamond Trader
Chapter III : Illegal Acts
18. Possession of unpolished diamonds prohibited
19. Sale of unpolished diamonds prohibited
20. Purchase of unpolished diamonds prohibited
20A. Assistance by non-licensed person prohibited
21. Dealing in unpolished diamonds restricted
22. Processing of diamonds prohibited
23. Erection and operation of machinery prohibited
24. Export of unpolished diamonds prohibited
25. Unpolished diamonds found or picked up by chance
25A. [Repealed] Search of persons and things
Chapter IV : Licences and Permits
26. Kind of licence, and permit and certificate
27. Applications for licences
28. Consideration of applications for licences
29. Issue of licences
30. Conditions of licence
31. Business premises
32. Period of validity and renewal of licence, permit and certificate
33. Transfer of licences by juristic persons prohibited
34. Applications by natural persons for transfer of licences
35. Controlling interest in companies and close corporations
36. Conversions of companies and close corporations
37. Suspension and cancellation of licences
38. Return of licences
39. Appeal to Minister against decisions of Regulator in respect of licences
40. [Repealed] Applications for Permits
41. [Repealed] Consideration of application for permits
42. [Repealed] Issue of permits
43. [Repealed] Cancellation, variation or imposition of conditions
Chapter V : The Diamond Trade
44. Utilization of unregistered premises as diamond trading houses prohibited
45. Applications for registration of diamond trading houses
46. Consideration of applications for registration of diamond trading houses
47. Registration of diamond trading houses
48. Dealings in unpolished diamonds restricted to approved premises
48A. Condition for export of unpolished diamonds
49. Approval of premises
50. Processing of diamonds restricted to approved premises
51. [Repealed] Licensees to display names and other particulars at business premises
52. Dealings in unpolished diamonds on behalf of juristic persons restricted to authorized
53. Applications for registration of authorized representatives
54. Registration of authorized representatives
55. Receipt of unpolished diamonds by licensees
56. Notes of receipt or purchase in respect of unpolished diamonds
56A. Disclosure that diamond is synthetic diamond or enhanced diamond
57. Registers in respect of unpolished diamonds
58. [Repealed] Cutters, tool-makers and researchers to obtain permit to sell or export
59. Functions of Regulator in respect of buying and selling of diamonds
59A. Functions of State Diamond Trader in respect of buying and selling of diamonds
59B. Diamond producers to offer unpolished diamonds to State Diamond Trader
Chapter VI : Export of Diamonds
60. Export and import of unpolished diamonds
61. Registration of unpolished diamonds for export
61A. Registration of unpolished diamonds for import
62. [Repealed] Levying of export duty on unpolished diamonds
63. [Repealed] Exemption from export duty
64. Temporary exemption from diamond exchange and export centre
65. Examination and valuation of unpolished diamonds for export
65A. Examination and valuation of unpolished diamonds for import
66. [Repealed] Market value
67. Fine in case of difference in values
68. [Repealed] Payment of export duty and fine
69. Release of unpolished diamonds for export
69A. Requirements after export of unpolished diamond
69B. Release of unpolished diamonds for import
70. Export of polished diamonds
71. Registration of polished diamonds for export
72. Examination and retention of polished diamonds
73. Release of polished diamonds for export
74. Exemption from provisions relating to registration of polished diamonds
74A. Relief for certificated purchases
75. Regulator's decision on unpolished or polished diamonds
76. Assessment of value of unpolished and polished diamonds
Chapter VII : Control Measures
77. Control over production of diamonds
78. Furnishing Board with information
79. Inquiries by Board
80. Appointment of inspectors
81. Functions of inspectors and police officials
Chapter VIII : Offences, Penalties and other Judicial Matters
82. Offences relating to illegal acts
83. Offences relating to diamond trade
84. Offences relating to export of diamonds
85. Offences relating to functions of Regulator, inspectors and police officials
86. Offences involving fraudulent conduct
87. Penalties
88. [Repealed] Documentary evidence
89. [Repealed] Presumption
90. Liability of employer or principal
91. Forfeiture
92. Jurisdiction of magistrates' courts
Chapter IX : General
93. [REPEALED] Levies
94. Co-operation with other governments and bodies
95. Regulations
96. Consultation by Board
97. Assignment of functions
98. Amendment or repeal of laws, and savings
99. Short title and commencement
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