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Employment Equity Act, 1998 (Act No. 55 of 1998)

Code of Good Practice

Preparation, Implementation and Monitoring of the Employment Equity Plan (EE Plan)

7. Developing the EE Plan

7.9 Dispute Resolution


(a) Internal procedures for resolving any dispute about the interpretation and implementation of the EE Plan should be agreed and specified in the EE Plan.
(b) The last point of call for the resolving of any disputes about the interpretation and implementation of the EE Plan should be the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) / Accounting Officer of the organization.
(c) Existing dispute resolution procedures could be used or tailored to resolve disputes concerning the interpretation and implementation of the EE Plan.
(d) Where a dispute still remains after the internal dispute resolution processes were followed, a party to the dispute may make an application to the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) or the Labour Court.
(e) Procedures must be time-bound, cost effective and simple for designated and non-designated employees to follow.