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Astronomy Geographic Advantage Act, 2007 (Act No. 21 of 2007)


Protection of the Karoo Central Astronomy Advantage Areas in terms of the Astronomy Geographic Advantage Act, 2007

Schedule B-Regulations on administrative matters regarding Schedule A for the Karoo central astronomy advantage areas declared for radio astronomy purposes

8. Criteria to be met by a person carrying out compliance assessment


(1) A person who carries out a compliance assessment and compiles the report, must:
(a) possess an academic qualification in electronic or radio frequency engineering at least at the level that would qualify that person to be registered as a professional engineering technologist in terms of the Engineering Profession Act, 2000 (Act No. 46 of 2000);
(b) have access to or be able to obtain access to a computerised frequency spectrum planning system that is usable to carry out the computer modelling for the radio frequency signal level calculations based on the relevant methods and standards listed in Annexure B to these Schedule B Regulations, and uses a digital terrain model that will produce acceptable results; and
(c) be able to provide at least two references for work carried out successfully in the preceding five (5) years which involved the determination of radio wave propagation and signal levels.


(2) Alternative to sub-regulation 8(1), the management authority shall perform an assessment of the skills and experience of a person wishing to carry out the compliance assessment and the compilation of the report to determine whether the person possesses the required ability and capacity.


(3) The format of the assessment report to be compiled by the person who performs the compliance assessment and the information required therein shall be in accordance with a schedule to be obtained from the management authority.


(4) The management authority must advise the applicant for a permit in writing whether the person who carried out the compliance assessment and submitted the required information, met the requirements stated in subregulation 8(1), or not, or if a skills and experience assessment was undertaken, what the outcome was. A person who met the requirements or who had a positive outcome in an assessment, will be presumed to be competent to carry out further compliance assessments if the person is shown, to the satisfaction of the management authority, to have remained actively engaged in the work that led to that person's having been regarded as competent: in which case the said person shall only have to provide his name and an appropriate identification number for further permit applications, the compliance assessment of which was carried out by him.