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Adult Education and Training Act, 2000 (Act No. 52 of 2000)


National Norms and Standards for Funding Adult Learning Centres (NSF·ALC)

Part 2

5. Private or Public Non-Ped Funding at Certified and Non-Certified Centres


45. Adult Learning Centres are encouraged to seek clients (private and public sector organizations, NGOs, SETAs, etc.) who are sponsoring learners at the ALC in the ABET NQF level within the GET band. The following norms apply:
(a) Per-learner charges to be assessed from these clients for learners they sponsor may be set by a properly-constituted centre governing body, not by the general meeting of learners or by the management of the ALC. However, planned or existing income from corporate bodies must be taken into account in the ALC's budget.
(b) The level of such charges may be set at any time deemed useful by the ALC.
(c) Income from charges to clients must enter the ALC fund in the same manner as any other income.
(d) Book-keeping and audit methods will be developed to prevent ALCs from double-charging for learners funded through the formula. At a minimum, the sum of the learners sponsored by the PED and those sponsored by other clients have to equal the total number of learners at the ALC.
(e) The charges to corporate clients must not be lower than the "prices" contained in the formula whereby the ALC is funded by the PED. In other words, the ALC must treat the PED as its preferred client.
(f) Adult Learning Centres must follow a clear and transparent pricing policy with clients, similar to what will be in use for funding by the PEDs. ALCs are encouraged to take advantage of the costing methodologies developed for the formula funding, as a way to price their offerings to non-PED clients.
(g) Adult Learning Centres' offering programmes to clients other than the PED must be included in the yearly plan that is to be approved by the PED. If the programmes to non-PED clients are made midyear, the ALC must seek permission from the PED in writing.