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Tourism Act, 2014 (Act No. 3 of 2014)

Chapter 3 : South African Tourism Board

16. Vacation of office and filling of vacancies



(1)        A member of the Board must vacate office if the member—

(a) resigns by written notice addressed and delivered to the Minister and the chairperson of the Board;
(b) ceases to hold any qualification necessary for that member’s appointment to the Board;
(c) is unable to perform his or her functions due to mental illness or severe or profound intellectual disability contemplated in the Mental Health Act, 2002 (Act No. 17 of 2002);
(d) becomes subject to any disqualification contemplated in section 15; or
(e) is removed from office by the Minister, after consulting the Board, on good cause shown.


(2) If for any reason the office of a member of the Board becomes vacant before the member’s term of office expires, the Minister may appoint any suitably qualified person to fill the vacancy for the unexpired portion of the period for which such member was appointed.



(a) The Minister may on good cause shown dissolve the Board by way of notice in the Gazette and appoint a new Board in accordance with section 13.
(b) If the Board is dissolved in terms of paragraph (a) the Minister may defer the reconstitution of the Board and, in the notice by which the Minister has so dissolved the Board or by any subsequent notice in the Gazette, appoint one or more persons, on such conditions as the Minister may deem necessary, to manage the affairs of the Board until the appointment of the new Board.