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Performing Animals Protection Act, 1935 (Act No. 24 of 1935)


Performing Animals Protection Regulations, 2016

4. Licensing requirements


Licensing requirements shall apply for each species and include:


(1) Updated records, which will include an animal register, health and animal welfare plans, medicine register, movement register, and other documented proof of licencing requirements.


(2) Appropriately trained and/or experienced staff.


(3) All animals should,
(a) be individually identified
(b) be kept in well maintained, hygienic and appropriate accommodation with:
(i) an approved site plan for the primary and secondary facilities;
(ii) fencing and access control;
(c) have adequate space with suitable surface ;
(d) have a suitably stimulating environment to enhance the animals’ wellbeing (environmental enrichment),
(e) have access to adequate feed and to water at all times;
(f) have access to suitable shelter ;
(g) should be trained and handled using appropriate humane methods.


(4) The facility should:
(a) be free of hazards that could harm the animals;
(b) have applicable pest control program;
(c) have appropriate feed storage;
(d) make provision for isolation and handling of sick and vulnerable animals;
(e) have a veterinarian responsible for the healthcare of the animals;
(f ) have a trainer ;
(g) have a handler available at all times
(h) have appropriate transportation methods and equipment