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National Heritage Resources Act, 1999 (Act No.25 of 1999)


Registration of Dealers in Heritage Objects and the Control of Trade in Heritage Objects

Chapter II : Registration of Dealers (Section 32(14))

2. Application procedure: Registration


2.1 A dealer in heritage objects shall apply to SAHRA in order to register as a dealer in accordance with subsection 14 of section 32 of the Act.


2.2 A dealer should complete his/her registration on the South African Heritage Resources Information System (SAHRIS) and upon registration shall furnish the following information:
(i) Full names including identity numbers or registration numbers in respect of juristic persons or trusts;
(ii) If a Dealer is a trust or a juristic person it shall submit proof of registration as such;
(iii) Types of Heritage Objects the Dealer intends to deal in; and
(iv) Contact details.