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Media Development and Diversity Agency Act, 2002 (Act No. 14 of 2002)

14. General functions of Board


1) The Board must, in the promotion of media development and diversity-
a) identify historically disadvantaged communities and persons that are not adequately served by the media;
b) select projects in accordance with the criteria prescribed in terms of section 19(3) to receive support;
c) ensure that the Agency’s objectives, achievements and activities are made known to the public; and
d) negotiate with public utilities, organisations and financial institutions to acquire indirect support for projects, including support in the form of-
i) discounts or subsidies in print and signal distribution, postal rates and telephone tariffs; and
ii) low-interest rate loans.


2) The Board may delegate any of the functions mentioned in this section, except the function specified in subsection (1)(b), to the chief executive officer.