R 385
Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 of 1974)RegulationsRegulations Relating to the Registration of Students as Registered CounsellorsNotice No. R. 827 of 2012 |
Notice No. R. 827
9 October 2012
Department of Health
The Minister of Health has, under section 61(1) of the Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 of 1974), and after consultation with the Health Professions Council of South Africa, made the regulations in the Schedule.
1. | In these regulations "the Act" means the Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 of 1974), and any expression to which a meaning has been assigned in the Act shall bear such meaning, and, unless the context otherwise indicates— |
"approved educational institution"
means an educational institution which has been granted recognition and approval by the board following an evaluation process as determined by the board;
means the Professional Board for Psychology established in terms of section 15(1) of the Act;
means a section of the Act;
means a person enrolled as such at an approved educational institution to study towards being a counsellor.
Application for registration
2. | A student at an approved educational institution in South Africa must apply to the registrar for registration as a student registered counsellor and— |
(a) | in the case of a student who enrols at an approved educational institution as a student in his or her first year of study, within two months following such enrolment; or |
(b) | in the case of a student who, on the date of publication of these regulations, had already enrolled at such approved educational institution, within two months after the date of publication of these regulations. |
3. | An application for registration as a student registered counsellor must be made on a form obtainable from the Health Professions Council of South Africa for that purpose and must be accompanied by— |
(a) | a certified copy of the applicant's identity document or such other proof of age and correct names as may be acceptable to the registrar; |
(b) | a certificate to prove that such a student has commenced training leading to the registration as a Registered Counsellor at an approved educational institution, which certificate must specify the year of study and the date on which the student enrolled; and |
(c) | the prescribed registration fee. |
4. | A student who resumes studies after interruption for a continuous period of more than one year and whose name was consequently removed from the register must submit an application for re-registration as a student within two months of resuming studies. |
5. | An application referred to in regulation (4) must be accompanied by— |
(a) | a certificate to prove that such student has resumed study; |
(b) | original registration certificate as a student or duplicate thereof issued by the registrar; and |
(c) | the prescribed registration fees. |
6. | Subject to the provisions of section 19 of the Act, the name of a student who interrupted his or her studies for more than one year, but who indicates annually in writing the intention to continue with studies, must be kept on the register until such time such a student continues with studies. |
7. | An application for registration submitted after the period of two months referred to in regulations (2) and (4) shall be subject to the prescribed penalty fee for late registration in respect of each month or portion of a month for which it is submitted after the due date. |
8. | The registrar must furnish a student applying for registration as a student with a registration certificate upon registration. |
9. | Should a student change from one approved educational institution to another during the course of his or her studies, the registrar must be informed within two months of such change. |
Information to be submitted to the board
10. | An approved educational institution which enrols student registered counsellor must submit to the Board on or before the 31st of May each year— |
(a) | a list of all students enrolled for that year; |
(b) | a list of all students who have discontinued studies during the preceding year; |
(c) | a list of all students who resumed studies during the preceding year after temporarily discontinuing such studies. |
11. | The lists referred to in regulation (10) must include the students' full names, year of study and where applicable, the dates of discontinuation or resumption of study. |
Dr A Motsoaledi, MP
Minister of Health
Date: 17/9/2012