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Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 of 1974)
Notice No. 1874 of 1974
1. Definitions
Chapter I : Establishment, Objects, Functions and Powers of the Health Professions Council of South Africa and of Professional Boards
2. Establishment of Health Professions Council of South Africa
3. Objects and functions of council
4. General powers of council
5. Constitution of council
6. Vacation of office and filling of vacancies
7. President and vice-president
8. Meetings of the council
9. Quorum and procedure at meetings
10. Executive committee
11. Repealed
12. Appointment of registrar and staff
13. Corporate finance and governance
13A. Repealed
14. Minister may rectify defects
15. Establishment of professional boards
15A. Objects of professional boards
15B. General powers of professional boards
Chapter II : Education, Training and Registration
16. Control over training
17. Registration a prerequisite for practising
18. Keeping of registers
19. Removal of name from, and restoration to, register
19A. Suspension of health professionals and revocation of such suspension
20. Right to appeal
21. Custody and publication of registers
22. Register as proof
23. Issue of duplicate registration certificate, certificate of status
24. Qualifications prescribed for registration
24A. Community service
25. Registration of persons who hold qualifications not prescribed for registration
26. Compliance with certain conditions relating to continuing professional development
27. Repealed
28. Repealed
29. Registration of certain persons for education and training purposes
30. Registration of certain persons so as to enable them to engage in post-graduate studies
31. Universities, technikons and other training institutions to furnish council with certai
32. Repealed
32A. Repealed
32B. Repealed
33. Definition of scope of other health professions registrable in terms of this Act
34. Registration a prerequisite for practising a profession
35. Registration and use of additional qualifications, registration of specialists
Chapter III : Offences by Unregistered Persons
36. Repealed
37. Repealed
38. Repealed
39. Prohibition of performance of certain acts by unregistered persons
40. Penalty for professing to be a registered person or holder of certain qualification
Chapter IV : Disciplinary Powers of Professional Boards
41. Inquiries by professional boards into charges of unprofessional conduct
41A. Manner in which certain investigations may be instituted
42. Matters for and procedure at inquiry by professional boards
43. Postponement of imposition of penalty and suspension of operation of penalty
44. Effect of suspension or removal from register
45. Cognizance by professional boards of conduct of registered persons under certain circum
46. Penalty for false evidence
47. Limitation of liability
48. Repealed
49. Council to make rules relating to offences under this Chapter
50. Repealed
51. Regulations relating to investigations in respect of impaired persons
Chapter V : General and Supplementary Provisions
52. Dispensing of medicines
52A. Repealed
53. Charges by registered persons
53A. Repealed
54. Repealed
54A. Exemption from operation of provisions of Act
55. Penalty for false representation inducing registration, for false entries in register a
55A. Repealed
56. Death of person undergoing procedure of therapeutic, diagnostic
57. Commission on prescriptions
58. Repealed
59. Limitations in respect of unregistered persons
60. Investigation of matters relating to the educatio or training of certain persons
61. Regulations
61A. Rules
62. Levying of annual fees on certain registered persons
63. Repealed
63A. Repealed
64. Repeal of laws
65. Repealed
66. Short title and commencement
Laws Repealed
Regulations relating to the Specialities and Subspecialities in Medicine and Dentistry
Notice No. R. 590 of 2001
1. Definitions
2. Recognition of specialities, subspecialities and related specialities
3. Subspecialities recognised and prescribed in terms of Section 35(2) of the Act
4. Registrable Subspecialities
5. Registered Medical or Dental practitioner
6. Requirements for Registration of a Medical Practitioner in the Category Independent Practice (Specialist)
7. Requirements for Registration of a Dentist in the Category Independent Practice (Specialist)
8. Requirements for Registration of a Foreign Qualified Medical Practitioner or Dentist as a Specialist
9. Requirements for Registration of a Foreign Qualified Specialist on Special Merit
10. Conditions of Registration in the Category Public Service (Specialist)
11. Requirements for Registration of a Subspeciality by a Medical Specialist
12. General
13. Registers of Registrars and Senior Registrars
14 - 18. Conditions of Practising as a Specialist
19. Repeal
Regulations relating to Names that may not be used in relation to the Profession of Optometry
Notice No. 1212 of 2004
Registration of Student Dental Assistants
Notice No. R. 581 of 2008
Regulations Defining the Scope of the Profession of Psychology
Notice No. R. 704 of 2011
1. Definitions
2. Amendment of the regulations
Regulations Defining the Scope of the Profession of Audiology
Notice No. R. 803 of 2011
1. Definitions
2. Acts Pertaining to the Scope of the Profession of Audiology
3. Exclusion of Emerging Areas
4. Repeal
Registration of Medical Technicians in the Category Virology
Notice No. R. 389 of 2012
Registration of Medical Technicians in Immunology
Notice No. R. 390 of 2012
Registration of Intern Psychologists
Notice No. R. 394 of 2012
Regulations Defining the Scope of the Profession of Dental Assistants
Notice No. R. 396 of 2012
Registration of Medical Technicians in the Category Tuberculosis (Bacterium)
Notice No. R. 399 of 2012
Registration of Students as Registered Counsellors
Notice No. R. 827 of 2012
Regulations Defining the Scope of Practice of Clinical Associates, 2016
Notice No. 1390 of 2016
1. Definitions
2. Acts deemed to be acts pertaining to the scope of practice of Clinical Associates
3. Conditions of practice
4. Short Title
Regulations Defining the Scope of the Profession of Dental Therapy, 2016
Notice No. 1391 of 2016
1. Definitions
2. Scope of the profession of dental therapy
3. Performance of professional acts by a student in dental therapy
4. Repeal
5. Short title
Registration of Audiology Students, 2017
Notice No. 329 of 2017
1. Definitions
2. Registration as a student
3. Information to be submitted to the professional board
4. Short title
Regulations Defining the Scope of Practice of the Profession of Oral Hygiene
Notice No. 713 of 2017
1. Definitions
2. Scope of the profession of oral hygiene
3. Performance of professional act by student in oral hygiene
4. Conditions of practice by registered oral hygienist
Repeal and Withdrawal
7. Short title
Regulations Defining the Scope of the Profession of Speech-Language Therapy
Notice No. 1459 of 2017
1. Definitions
2. Scope of practice of profession of speech-language therapy
3. Short title and commencement
Regulations relating to the Constitution of the Professional Board for Emergency Care Practitioners, 2021
Notice No. 642 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Constitution of the board
3. Repeal
4. Short title
Regulations relating to the Qualifications for the Registration of Dispensing Opticians, 2021
Notice No. 664 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Qualifications for registration
3. Short title
Regulations relating to the Registration of Forensic Pathology Officers, 2021
Notice No. 1927 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Registration of a Forensic Pathology Officer
3. Application for registration
4. Short title
Regulations relating to the Qualifications for the Registration of Optometrists, 2022
Notice No. 2554 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Qualifications for registration
3. Short Title
Regulations relating to the Qualifications for the Registration of Dispensing Opticians, 2022
Notice No. 2633 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Qualifications for registration
3. Short title
Regulations relating to the Qualifications for Registration of Arts Therapists, 2023
Notice No. R. 3103 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Registration of an arts therapist
3. Repeal
4. Short title
Regulations relating to the Registration of Technicians in Clinical Technology, 2023
Notice No. 3460 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Requirement for registration
3. Short Title
Regulations Defining the Scope of the Profession of Clinical Technology, 2023
Notice No. 3510 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Acts pertaining to the profession of clinical technology
3. Acts relating to clinical technology categories
4. Repeal of laws
5. Short title
[Repealed] Regulations relating to the Names that May Not be Used in Relation to the Profession of Dietetics or Nutrition, 2023
Notice No. R. 3562 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Names that may not be used
3. Repeal
4. Short title
Regulations Defining the Scope of the Profession of Nutritionists, 2023
Notice No. 3760 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Acts pertaining to scope of Nutritionist Profession
3. Short title
Regulations relating to the Names that May Not be Used in Relation to the Profession of Dietetics or Nutrition, 2023
Notice No. 3972 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Names that may not be usede
3. Repeal
4. Short title
[Repealed] Regulations Defining the Scope of the Profession of Dietitians, 2024
Notice No. 4407 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Acts pertaining to scope of the profession of Dietitians
3. Repeal
4. Short title
Regulations Defining the Scope of the Profession of Dietitians, 2024
Notice No. 2985 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Acts pertaining to scope of the profession of Dietitians
3. Repeal
4. Short title
Board Notices
List of Classified and Certified Psychological Tests
Board Notice 155 of 2017
Annual fees payable by registered practitioners
[Repealed] Board Notice No. 27 of 2018
[Repealed] Board Notice No. 20 of 2019
Board Notice No. 11 of 2020
[Repealed] Board Notice 234 of 2022
Board Notice 399 of 2023 - effective 1 April 2023
Rules relating to fees payable to Council
[Repealed] Board Notice No. 42 of 2018
[Repealed] Board Notice No. 21 of 2019
Board Notice No. 10 of 2020
[Repealed] Board Notice 235 of 2022
Board Notice 398 of 2023 - effective 1 April 2023
Rules for the Registration of Speech and Hearing Assistants: Repeal
Board Notice 51 of 2021
Rules for the Registration of Community Speech and Hearing Workers: Repeal
Board Notice 52 of 2021
Rules for the Registration of Speech and Hearing Correctionists: Repeal
Board Notice 76 of 2021
Rules for the Registration of Speech and Hearing Correctionists: Repeal
Board Notice 324 of 2022
Rules for the Registration of Audiometricians: Repeal
Board Notice 325 of 2022
Proclamation No. 30 of 2008
Registration by Medical Practitioners and Dentists of Additional Qualifications
Board Notice 35 of 1999
Rule 1
Rule 2
Rule 2(b) Universities - Other South African Qualifications
University of Cape Town
University of Kwazulu Natal
University of Limpopo
University of Natal
University of Free State
University of Pretoria
North West University
Stellenbosch University
Walter Sisulu University
University of Western Cape
Rule 2(b) Colleges - Other South African Qualifications
College of Anaesthetists of South Africa
College of Community Health of South Africa
College of Dermatologists of South Africa
College of Diagnostic Radiology
College of Emergency Medicine of South Africa
College of Family Practitioners of South Africa
College of Forensic Pathologists of South Africa
College of Medical Geneticists of South Africa
College of Medicine of South Africa
College of Nuclear Physicians of South Africa
College of Nuerologists of South Africa
College of Nuerosurgeons of South Africa
College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of South Africa
College of Opthalmologists of South Africa
College of Otorhinolaryncologists of South Africa
College of Paediatricians of South Africa
College of Pathologists of South Africa
College of Physicians of South Africa
College of Psychiatrists of South Africa
College of Public Health Medicine of South Africa
College of Public Health Medicine (Division of Occupational Health) of South Africa
College of Radiation Oncology
College of Radiologists of South Africa
College of Surgeons of South Africa
Rule 2(c) Universities - Other Foreign Qualifications
Rule 2(c) Colleges - Other Foreign Qualifications
Rule 2(c) - Academies/Associations/Societies and Faculties
Rule 3
Rule 3(b) Universities - Other South African Qualifications
Rule 3(b) Colleges - Other South African Qualifications
Rule 3(c) Universities - Other Foreign Qualifications
Rule 3(c) Colleges - Other Foreign Qualifications
Fees Payable to Council
Board Notice 78 of 2012
Rules for the Registration of Orthoptists : Repeal
Board Notice 19 of 2018
Rules relating to the Payment of Fees for Accreditation of Education and Training offered by Education and Training Institutions under the Health Professions Act, 1974
Board Notice 112 of 2018
Rules for the Registration of Community Speech and Hearing Workers: Repeal
Board Notice 52 of 2021
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