Acts Online
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National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004)


Threatened or Protected Marine Species Regulations, 2017

Provisions Relating to Listed Threatened or Protected Marine Species

Chapter 7 : Prohibition of Specific Restricted Activities under Certain Circumstances

62. Specific restricted activities by registered exhibition facilities, captive breeding, rehabilitation facilities and sanctuaries involving a listed threatened or protected marine species prohibited under certain circumstances


(1) When issuing a permit to an exhibition or captive breeding facility, the issuing authority must issue such permit subject to the condition that the holder thereof may not catch or receive a specimen of a listed threatened or protected cetacean, marine turtle, seabird, shorebird or seal species originating from a wild population.


(2) When issuing a permit to an exhibition or captive breeding facility, the issuing authority must issue such permit subject to the condition that the holder thereof may only be in possession of a specimen of a listed threatened or protected cetacean, marine turtle, seabird, shorebird or seal species, if such specimen has been bred in captivity, or has been kept in captivity prior to the commencement of these Regulations.


(3) When issuing a permit to a sanctuary, the issuing authority must issue such permit subject to the condition that the holder thereof may only be in possession of a specimen of a listed threatened or protected cetacean, marine turtle, seabird, shorebird or seal species, if such specimen is unable to be released back into the wild.