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Supreme Court Act, 1959 (Act No. 59 of 1959)34. Appointment of officers of the Supreme Court |
(1) |
(a) | The Minister may, subject to the laws governing the public service, appoint for the Supreme Court registrars, assistant registrars and other officers whenever they may be required for the administration of justice or the execution of the powers and authorities of the said court. |
(b) | Whenever by reason of absence or incapacity a registrar or assistant registrar is unable to carry out the functions of his office, or his office becomes vacant, the Minister may authorize any other competent officer of the public service to act in the place of the absent or incapacitated officer during such absence or incapacity or to act in the vacant office until the vacancy is filled. |
(c) | [Deleted by s. 64 (1) of the Sheriffs Act, 1986 (Act 90 of 1986.] |
(2) | Any officer in the public service appointed under subsection (1) may hold simultaneously more than one of the offices mentioned in that subsection. |
(3) to (6) inclusive ....
[Deleted by s. 64 (1) of the Sheriffs Act, 1986 (Act 90 of 1986.]
(7) | The Minister may delegate to an officer in the Department of Justice any of the powers vested in him by this section. |