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Safety at Sports and Recreational Events Act, 2010 (Act No. 2 of 2010)Chapter 3Part 2 : Appeal Board and Appeals26. Establishment, composition and appointment of Appeal Board |
(1) | There is hereby established an independent board known as the Appeal Board to hear and decide upon appeals against decisions made in terms of this Act. |
(2) | The Appeal Board consists of at least seven members appointed by the Minister on the advice of the National Assembly. |
(3) | The members of the Appeal Board must be appointed in a manner ensuring— |
(a) | participation by the public in a nomination process; |
(b) | transparency and openness; |
(c) | that a short-list of candidates for appointment is published and that every appointment of a member of the Appeal Board is published in the Gazette. |
(a) | At least one member appointed by the Minister must be an admitted and practising attorney or advocate with at least two years experience. |
(b) | The Minister must designate the member referred to in paragraph (a) as Chairperson and another member as Deputy Chairperson of the Appeal Board. |
(c) | The Deputy Chairperson referred to in paragraph (b) must, when the Chairperson is absent or unable to perform his or her duties, act in his or her stead and when so acting, exercise or perform any function of the Chairperson. |
(5) | The members of the Appeal Board must, when viewed collectively be persons who— |
(a) | possess special knowledge and expertise relating to safety and security as well as disaster management at events; and |
(b) | are committed to fairness, openness and accountability on the part of those holding public office; |
(6) | A member of the Appeal Board is appointed for a period of two years, but is eligible for re-appointment. |