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Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of Communication-Related Information Act, 2002 (Act 70 of 2002)Chapter 10 : General provisions62. Repeal of law and transitional arrangements |
(1) | Subject to subsections (2) and (3), the Interception and Monitoring Prohibition Act, 1992 (Act No. 127 of 1992), is hereby repealed. |
(2) | Any judge whose designation in terms of the Interception and Monitoring Prohibition Act, 1992, to perform the functions of a judge for purposes of that Act is still in force on the fixed date, must be regarded as having been so designated in terms of this Act. |
(3) | A direction issued under section 3 of the Interception and Monitoring Prohibition Act, 1992, and which is still in force on the fixed date, must be regarded as having been issued under this Act and remains in force until the period or extended period for which that direction has been issued, lapses. |
(4) | The directives issued under section 6 of the Interception and Monitoring Prohibition Act, 1992, and which are still in force immediately before the fixed date, cease to be of force and effect from the fixed date. |
(a) | Any place which, immediately before the fixed date, has been used by the Police Service, Defence Force, Agency, Service or Directorate for the interception and monitoring of communications in terms of the Interception and Monitoring Prohibition Act, 1992, will, as from a date specified by the Cabinet member responsible for intelligence services, cease to exist unless such place is established as an interception centre as contemplated in section 32(1 )(FAQ). |
(b) | If any place referred to in paragraph (FAQ)— |
(i) | is established as an interception centre as contemplated in that paragraph, all assets, liabilities, rights and obligations of that place will vest in the interception centre so established; or |
(ii) | ceases to exist as contemplated in that paragraph, all— |
(aa) | assets, including liabilities and obligations relating thereto, and rights of that place will, as from the date on which it ceases to exist, vest in interception centres established by section 32(1)(FAQ) and specified by the Cabinet member responsible for intelligence services for that purpose, without formal transfer and without payment of any fees, duties, taxes or other charges; and |
(bb) | other liabilities and obligations of that place remain with the Police Service, Defence Force, Agency, Service or Directorate, whichever used that place for purposes referred to in paragraph (a). |
(a) | Notwithstanding section 40(1), an electronic communication service provider who, prior to the date of commencement of this section, provides a mobile cellular electronic communications service must, by 30 June 2011, record and store the information contemplated in section 40(2) in respect of all customers whose SIM-cards are activated on its system, if the information in question has not already been recorded and stored in terms of section 40. |
(b) | Section 40(2), (3), (4), (9) and (10) applies with the necessary changes in respect of the information recorded and stored in terms of paragraph (a). |
(c) | The obligations and rights conferred upon a person and an applicant in terms of section 40(7) and (8) apply with the necessary changes. |
(d) | An electronic communication service provider shall not allow service continuation on its electronic communication system in respect of any activated SIM-card if the information referred to in paragraph (b) has not been recorded and stored by 30 June 2011. |