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Regional Services Councils Act, 1985 (Act No. 109 of 1985)12A. Establishment of rural councils |
(1) | The Administrator may by notice in the Official Gazette and from the date mentioned in such notice establish a rural council in a region or part of a region for— |
(a) | persons resident in such region or part; |
(b) | persons who are the registered owners of immovable property situated in that region or part; and |
(c) | persons who hold an interest in a juristic person that is the registered owner of immovable property situated in that region or part, |
but outside the area of jurisdiction of a local authority or a management body other than a rural council.
(2) | [Sub-s. (2) deleted by s. 10 (b) of Act 56 of 1993]. |
(3) | [Sub-s. (3) deleted by s. 10 (b) of Act 56 of 1993]. |
(4) | The members of the rural council shall be elected by the persons referred to in subsection (1) (a) and (b) and by the juristic person referred to in subsection (1) (c): Provided that the Administrator may, until a first election of members is held, by notice in the Official Gazette appoint persons who are qualified for election, as members of the rural council to serve as such members for a period not exceeding 12 months: Provided further that a rural council whose members are so appointed shall, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Act, be a management body for the purposes of this Act. |
(5) | A rural council shall be a juristic person. |
(6) | The objects of a rural council are to grant representation on a council to persons and juristic persons contemplated in subsection (1) in regard to a region outside the areas of jurisdiction of local authorities or management bodies other than rural councils and to promote the interests and welfare of those persons, and for such purpose a rural council shall be vested and entrusted with the powers and duties which the Administrator may from time to time identify in the Official Gazette as powers and duties of a rural council, but a rural council shall not have the power to impose any levy or service charge or to levy taxes on immovable property. |
(7) | The expenditure in connection with the administration of a rural council shall be defrayed out of money appropriated by Parliament for such purpose. |
(8) | The Administrator may by notice in the Official Gazette make regulations in respect of any matter, which in his opinion is necessary or expedient for the effective execution or furtherance of the provisions and objects of this section. |