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Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (Act No. 4 of 2013)Chapter 5 : SupervisionPart A : Information Regulator47. Staff |
(1) | The Regulator must establish its own administration to assist it in the performance of its functions and to this end the Regulator must appoint, or secure the secondment in terms of subsection (6) of— |
(a) | a suitably qualified and experienced person as chief executive officer of the Regulator for the purpose of assisting the Regulator, subject to the Regulator’s direction and supervision, in the performance of all financial and administrative functions in terms of this Act and the Promotion of Access to Information Act, work arising from the administration of this Act and the Promotion of Access to Information Act and to exercise any power delegated by the Regulator to him or her; and |
(b) | such other member of staff as the Regulator may deem necessary to assist the Regulator and the chief executive officer, as the case may be, with all such work as may arise through the performance of its functions. |
(a) | The chief executive officer may appoint a senior member of staff as acting chief executive officer to perform the functions of the chief executive officer in his or her absence. |
(b) | A member of the Regulator may not be appointed as acting chief executive officer. |
(c) | In the event that a vacancy occurs in the office of the chief executive officer the Regulator must appoint an acting chief executive officer. |
(3) | The Regulator must, in the appointment of the staff of the Regulator— |
(a) | provide for the advancement of persons disadvantaged by unfair discrimination, with the aim that its staff, when viewed collectively, represents a broad cross-section of the population of the Republic; and |
(b) | subject to paragraph (a), apply equal opportunity employment practices. |
(4) | The Regulator may pay to the persons in its employ such remuneration and allowances and provide them with such pension and other employment benefits as are consistent with that paid in the public sector. |
(5) | In exercising its powers in terms of subsections (1) and (4), the Regulator must consult with the Minister of Finance. |
(6) | The Regulator may, in the performance of the functions contemplated in subsection (1), at its request, be assisted by officials in the Public Service seconded to the service of the Regulator in terms of any law regulating such secondment: Provided that the secondment of an official to the service of the Regulator may not exceed 12 months and that the initial period of secondment may only be extended once for a subsequent period not exceeding 12 months. |
(7) | The Regulator may, in consultation with the Minister of Finance, on a temporary basis or for a particular matter which is being investigated by it, employ any person with special knowledge of any matter relating to the work of the Regulator, or obtain the co-operation of any body, to advise or assist the Regulator in the performance of its functions under this Act and the Promotion of Access to Information Act, and fix the remuneration, including reimbursement for travelling, subsistence and other expenses, of such person or body. |