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Income Tax Act, 1962 (Act No. 58 of 1962)Regulations2003 RegulationsRegulations issued in terms of paragraph 4(o) of Part I of the Ninth Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962 (Act No. 58 of 1962), to prescribe conditions for the provision of Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards for Study, Research and TeachingNotice No. R. 302 of 2003 |
Notice No. R. 302
28 February 2003
GG 24941
By virtue of the power vested in me by paragraph 4(o) of Part I of the Ninth Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962 (Act No. 58 of 1962), I, Trevor Andrew Manuel, Minister of Finance, hereby prescribe in the Schedule hereto, the conditions on which any scholarships, bursaries and awards for study, research and teaching must be provided for purposes of that paragraph and section 30 of the Act.
T A Manuel
Minister of Finance
(1) | In these regulations, unless the context otherwise indicates, any word or expression to which a meaning has been assigned in the Income Tax Act, 1962, bears the meaning assigned thereto. |
(2) | For purposes of paragraph 4(o) of Part I of the Ninth Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, an organisation which provides any scholarships, bursaries and awards for study, research or teaching must comply with the conditions prescribed in these regulations. |
(3) | Subject to regulation 4, the founding document of the organisation contemplated in regulation 2, must expressly provide that— |
(a) | all scholarships, bursaries or awards granted by that organisation must be bona fide and be granted to an individual on grounds of objective merit or need; |
(b) | no scholarship, bursary or award granted by that organisation may— |
(i) | be revocable, otherwise than for reasons of a material failure to conform to the designated purposes and conditions of that scholarship, bursary or award; |
(ii) | be subject to conditions which would enable the donor of the funds of that scholarship, bursary or award or any connected person in relation to that donor, to derive some direct benefit from the application of that scholarship, bursary or award; or |
(iii) | be granted to any person who is or will become an employee of the donor of the funds of that scholarship, bursary or award or that organisation (or any associated institution in relation to that donor or organisation) or any relative of that person, unless circumstances indicate that that scholarship, bursary or award would have been granted to that person or his or her relative, even if that person had not been an employee of that donor, organisation or associated institution; |
(c) | all decisions regarding the granting of scholarships, bursaries and awards must be made by a duly constituted committee consisting of at least three persons who are not connected persons in relation to the donors or the person to whom the scholarship, bursary or award is granted; and |
(d) | all scholarships, bursaries and awards granted by that organisation in respect of overseas study, research or teaching will be subject to an undertaking by the person to whom the scholarship, bursary or award is granted— |
(i) | to apply the knowledge obtained from the study, research or teaching immediately after completion thereof, in the Republic for a period of at least the period that the study, research or training was funded by the organisation; or |
(ii) | to refund the full amount of the scholarship, bursary or award should he or she decide not to apply the knowledge as contemplated in subparagraph (i). |
(4) | Where the founding document of an organisation which was established before 1 January 2003 does not expressly provide for the conditions contemplated in regulation 3, the organisation will be deemed to comply with regulation 3 until 31 December 2007, if the person responsible in a fiduciary capacity for the funds and assets of that organisation submits a written undertaking to the Commissioner that all scholarships, bursaries and awards granted by that organisation comply with the provisions of these regulations. |
(5) | Copies of all documents and information relating to any scholarship, bursary or award and minutes of all meetings at which any scholarship, bursary or award is granted must be made available to the Commissioner on request. |