R 385
Income Tax Act, 1962 (Act No. 58 of 1962)Notices2000 NoticesNotice to furnish returns for the 2000 year of assessmentNotice No. 1727 of 2000 |
Notice No. 1727 of 2000
12 May 2000
GG 21146
South African Revenue Service
Notice is hereby given under section 66(1)(a) of the Income Tax Act, 1962 (Act No. 58 of 1962), that the following persons are in terms of the said section personally, or in a representative capacity, liable to taxation under the provisions of the said Act and are, subject to what is contained in paragraph 1 below, required to furnish returns for the assessment of tax:
a) | Every natural person under the age of 65 years, or the representative of such a person, whose gross income is respect of the 2000 year of assessment exceeded R19 526. |
b) | Every natural person over the age of 65 years, or the representative of such a person, whose gross income in respect of the 2000 year of assessment exceeded R33 717. |
c) | Every natural person is his/her capacity as representative taxpayer of a person other than a natural person, for example a trust but excluding a company. |
d) | The public officer of every company. |
e) | Every person to whom an income tax form is issued irrespective of the amount of the income of such a person. |
Please Note:
1) | A natural person whose income for the year of assessment consisted of, or included remuneration from which employees tax has been deducted, is not required to furnish a return for that year, if— |
1.1) | such remuneration (after the deduction of pension and retirement annuity fund contributions and in the case of a person over the age of 65, contributions to a medical aid fund) payable did not exceed an amount of R60 000 per annum and from which only Standard Income Tax on Employees (SITE) has been deducted; and |
1.2) | that person did not derive any other income, including any reimbursive allowance, apart from such remuneration, or, if any other income was derived by that person, it consisted of interest (including dividends contemplated in section 11(s) and 19(5B) of the Income Tax Act, 1962 (Act No. 58 of 1962), not exceeding R2 000; and |
1.3) | an income tax form has not been issued to that person for completion. |
Where Employees Tax (PAYE) over and above Standard Income Tax on Employees (SITE) has been deducted and such a person has not received an income tax return, he/she must apply for a return if his/her gross income exceeds the amount mentioned in paragraphs (a) or (b) above.
2) | The income of any trust created by a person must be disclosed together with the full names and addresses of the beneficiaries. |
Year of assessment
3) | "YEAR OF ASSESSMENT" means: |
3.1) | in respect of a natural person who (on or before 30 June 1965) has elected not to be a provisional taxpayer, the year ending on 30 June each year. |
3.2) | in the case of a company, the financial year of such company ending during the calendar year in question. |
3.3) | in respect of all other persons, the year ending on the last day of February each year. |
Period for rendition of returns
4) | Returns are required to be rendered within the following periods: |
4.1) | Where in terms of section 66(13)ter of the Income Tax Act, accounts have been accepted in respect of the whole or portion of a taxpayer's income, drawn to a date AFTER 29 FEBRUARY 2000, WITHIN 60 DAYS FROM THE DATE TO WHICH SUCH ACCOUNTS ARE DRAWN. |
4.2) | In respect of a natural person who (on or before 30 June 1965) elected NOT to be a provisional taxpayer, WITHIN 60 DAYS FROM 30 JUNE 2000. |
4.4) | In respect of ALL OTHER PERSONS, WITHIN 60 DAYS FROM 10 May 2000. |
Registration forms
5) | The forms prescribed by the Commissioner for the rendering of returns are obtainable, on application, from the office of the Receiver of Revenue for the area in which the person required to complete the form, resides. |
Forwarding of returns
6) | Returns must be forwarded by post to or be delivered at the office of the Receiver of Revenue indicated on the form. |
Penal provisions
7) | Any person required to render a return who fails to do so within the period mentioned above, is liable to a penalty not exceeding R2 000 and/or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding twelve months. Furthermore, his/her taxable income may be estimated and three times the amount of tax charged thereon. |
Any taxpayer who knowingly and willfully makes any false statement in his/her return or evades or attempts to evade taxation and any person who assists a taxpayer to do so, is liable to a penalty not exceeding R1 000 and/or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years. The taxpayer is, in addition, liable to be assessed and charged three times the amount of the tax which he/she sought to evade.
Further information
8) | Further information or assistance may be obtained either from the Receiver of Revenue in whose assessing area you reside or from: |
The Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service
299 Bronkhorst Street, PO Box 402, Pretoria, 0001
P. J. Gordhan
Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service
10 May 2000